Friday, February 11, 2011

I am back!!!

What a week!!! My computer died! I thought giving up woodies was going to be hard, jesus they are nothing compared to no computer!! I felt like I had lost my best friend, and a limb.

The lovely vanessa has lent me hers whilst she plays netball so I am starting to feel human again lol!
It is quite sad actually that so much of my life revolves around my computer, simple things like we don't have a phone book, we don't need one we just look people up on here, if I want info on things I google it. We went for a train ride yesturday and I couldn't even look up the number for the trains, let alone google timetables, we just turned up at the station and hoped we would get it right!!
I will admit after four days I am starting to go back to the old way of communicating, I actually ring and text my friends, hell I even went and visited some, shock horror!! When on earth did the cyber world become my social life??

Anyhow back to the subject - yes I am still fat, perhaps not as fat as I was this time last week, but still fat nonetheless, I am actually feeling quite good despite the tummy bug that has just decimated our family this week! I am really starting to enjoy eating healthily, it really isn't that hard.
After I spent a week in hospital earlier this year, I came home with a whole new attitude and a whole new lifestyle, for nearly 4 months I ate healthy and really looked after myself, somehow I let that slide, I am not sure why, I just did, but I am back, and determined to be healthy.

We are planning an overseas holiday christmas this year and at the moment I don't think my ass would actually fit in an aeroplane seat, so my first goal is to lose enough weight to fit comfortably in one!  I am determined to not focus on the scales but more on my size so will not be weighing myself for a few weeks. However my sister in law has convinced me to join weight watchers with her so i guess I cannot avoid the dreaded scales there!!!

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