Sunday, February 20, 2011

Still haven't weighed myself, it just seems to hard!!!
Not only am I cleaning out my body, but I am cleaning out my house, the bedroom end of the house is complete, I defy you to find dirt or mess down there!! Okay so I cleaned out my wardrobe, holy shit you should have seen it, there have been no clothes in my wardrobe for the last year, because they simply could not fit, the crap was piled up to the roof and that is no exaggeration!! Now there are clothes hanging in there and two baskets on the floor and that is it, those that have seen my wardrobe will fully understand the effort that was put into cleaning it out. Charlies room also is done and yes her wardrobe too, Tristans wardrobe is full of Hayleys crap and I figure at 13 she is old enough to clean it our herself, so that is the only wardrobe still incomplete!!
I am now looking into ways to fully lock off the end of the house so the children can only go there to sleep, cause I am so not doing that again!
I am currently on the kitchen and it is starting to make some sense, at least all the fly shit is gone, god how I hate fly shit!
The problem was we moved into this house when tristan was 6 weeks old and at the time it was just too hard, so everything just got shoved wherever I could find space, this has been a long time coming.
As for the weight loss, I am still being good, am starting to really enjoy wraps for lunch and my muesli and yoghurt for breakfast.
I have discovered mammoth yoghurt, dear god that is some good food, it is full of grains and seeds and all that good stuff, you don't need to put it on muesli you just eat it as it is, it tastes divine and has the added bonus of being good for you.
I am however missing deluxe cheeseburgers, I love those things, I used to find an excuse far too regularly to pop down the road and get a couple. I am at the stage where I would almost swap one of my children for one!! In fact some days I would swap both of them for one!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are my inspiration!!! And I'm sure fejoia wine isn't bad for you I mean it is fruit ... right?????
